Suölo®is Different from Other Sea Salt Alternatives – The Difference is Magnesium

Suölo®is Different from Other Sea Salt Alternatives – The Difference is Magnesium

A quick glance at the table below will show you how Suölo® compares with other salt alternatives in the market place that are based solely on potassium chloride. The difference is a high level of magnesium and 50% less sodium.

Magnesium is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions and plays an important role in the body’s metabolism, including energy production and DNA/RNA regulation.  It has a role in the structure and function of membranes and proteins, nucleic acids and mitochondria.  Magnesium is vital for glucose and fat breakdown and the regulation of cholesterol production as well as electrolyte balance.  Slight imbalances can chronically impact the body’s level of performance and health including cardiovascular health.  It is not surprising then that if you are magnesium deficient that this can manifest as symptoms such as anxiety, panic attacks, fatigue, migraine, muscle spasms, insomnia and hypertension.

Dietary surveys in the UK and USA indicate that magnesium and potassium deficiencies are wide spread and that as many as 50% of us are not getting enough of either of these minerals in our diet.

Due to a complex chemical interactions, having a low level of magnesium can further lower potassium levels in your body.  So correcting a low magnesium level may help with increasing your potassium as well. For conditions in which both magnesium and potassium play a role, like high blood pressure, there may be a beneficial effect from increasing both in your diet. Potassium can only help to normalise blood pressure when magnesium is adequate in the diet. 

Regular use of Suölo® in your home cooking will not only help reduce sodium but will increase your intake of potassium and magnesium ensuring great taste with well-being.


Time to Change to Suölo®


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