Salt Guide
Salt, Diet and Health
Poor diet is now the biggest cause of death and ill health in the UK and worldwide. Too much salt and too little dietary intake of whole grains and fruit have accounted for more than 50% of deaths and has increased the disease burden for many.
Source: Murray et al., 2019 Health effects of dietary risks in 195 countries, 1990 – 2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017. The Lancet 393: 1958-72
Salt Facts
The current dietary recommendation in the UK is to eat no more than 6g/day which is approximately 1 tsp.
Regularly eating more than this puts us at an increased risk of developing high blood pressure because of excess sodium
1 in 4 adults have high blood pressure
Having high blood pressure increases our risk of many health problems including stroke, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis and stomach cancer
Reducing salt by just 1g/day saves 6,000 lives each year
“In consumer tests foods made with Suölo® Reduced Sodium Sea Salt are indistinguishable from those made with ordinary table salt and in some cases often preferred because of the improvement in flavour.”
Balanced for Health
Suölo® is powered by Smart Salt® mineral technology from Finland.
In a gold standard clinical study Smart Salt® technology was used to reduce the sodium in all the processed foods and salt used for cooking and seasoning. Subjects with mildly elevated blood pressure were provided with identical food made with either Smart Salt® technology (50% salt reduced – like Suölo®) or regular table salt.
Foods supplied included: bread, cheese, salami, frankfurter, meatballs, casseroles, soups, pasta, pizzas, ready to eat main meals and reduced sodium table salt.
The Results:
Significant reduction in systolic blood pressure in the Smart Salt® group. The Smart Salt® group reduced their daily intake of salt by 3.3g/day. Smart Salt® in processed foods and culinary salt helped the subjects to bring their salt intake levels to 5.75g/day which is line with the current maximum recommendation of 6g/day.
Sarkkinen et al., 2011. Feasibility and anti-hypertensive effect of replacing regular salt with mineral salt rich in magnesium and potassium in subjects with mildly elevated blood pressure. Nutrition Journal Vol 10:88
Suölo’s superior taste can be attributed to it’s balance of minerals which does not rely on high levels of potassium.
In expert taste panels it has been shown that the Smart Salt® technology used in Suölo® provides a saltier, less metallic and bitter flavour profile than other salts with high levels of potassium. Smart Salt® technology provides a 50% reduced sodium product with a flavour profile that mirrors that of regular salt.
"Suölo® products have more flavour less salt" Leatherhead Food Research, 2011