A new paper from Dr Helen Mitchell has been published which reviews the future perspectives of salt and salt substitutes and an update on a functional food approach to sodium reduction and public health improvement.
The full paper can be accessed through Agro Food Industry hi-tech Vol 33 (3), 2022 and by following this link tks | publisher, event organiser, media agency | Future Perspective on Salt and Salt Substitutes - An Update on a Functional Food Approach to Sodium Reduction and Public Health Improvement - tks | publisher, event organiser, media agency (teknoscienze.com).
The paper highlights how a functional food approach to salt reduction has the potential to make big differences in sodium dietary intake and, therefore, population health, and may be a quicker and more effective option than other approaches to sodium reduction. The original arguments for this approach are brought up to date with evidence from more recent science that justifies this proposition
Dr Bruce Neal has been quoted as saying that,
“If you were to replace all of the salt on the supermarket shelves with salt substitutes, you would prevent thousands of strokes and heart attacks every year – that’s quite safe to say” (1).